
Did You Know?
An 11-year-old girl gave Pluto its name. When Venetia Burney’s grandfather told her the news of the newly discovered planet, she proposed the name Pluto, after the Roman god of the Underworld. It seemed fitting, for after all, Pluto the planet, like the God, sat at the far reaches of the solar system.
Pluto is about the size of the moon.
It takes approximately 248 Earth years for Pluto to make one trip around the sun.
Pluto is so far away that it takes more than five hours for light from the sun to reach it. The sun's light reaches Earth in only eight minutes!
Pluto is no longer the ninth planet in our solar system for it did not passed the qualifications of being a planet, however, it is clasified as a "Dwarf Planet"

Planet Profile

Mass (kg) 1.29 x 1022
Diameter (km) 2300
Mean density (kg/m3) 2030
Escape velocity (m/s) 1100
Average distance from Sun 39.48 AU (5,906,376,200 km)
Rotation period (length of day in Earth days) 6.39 (retrograde)
Revolution period (length of year in Earth days) 247.92
Obliquity (tilt of axis degrees) 122.5
Orbit inclination (degrees) 17.15
Mean temperature (K) 37
Atmospheric components perhaps methane and nitrogen
Surface Materials perhaps methane ice